Gulepp tal-Harub - Carob Syrup 100g

Regular price $10.00

 Carob syrup is renowned for health benefits and a sweet delicious taste to rival the best tasting honeys. This natural is truly worth waiting in line for, mix it with your tea, or use it as an alternative to sugar on your morning porridge or just go ahead and spoon a little on your tongue. Our favourite use of carob syrup is to put a little on strong cheeses especially blue cheese and extremely sharp cheddar the flavour profile is amazing especially when paired with a nice Port of full bodied red.

The carob tree is found growing in almost every corner of the islands. The carob fruit matures in mid-Summer and is used to produce this rich, velvety syrup, which is traditionally used as a natural remedy for colds and sore throats. This product is made only from hand picked Gozo carobs and natural ingredients including honey.